DtoK Lab – Scalable Data Analytics is a start up founded by a team of researchers of computer engineering working at the University of Calabria and the Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking of the Italian National Research Council (ICAR-CNR).
The company develops a high-performance Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) system to efficiently analyze large amounts of data using Cloud computing technologies. The main innovation behind the system is a scalable algorithm for parallelizing data analysis applications modeled as complex workflows. The algorithm efficiently exploits the vast storage and computing facilities of Cloud systems.
We look at the market of companies that hold Big Data as a result of their business. Much of this data already resides in the Cloud, and this trend will increase in the future. This requires that Clouds become the infrastructure for implementing pervasive and scalable data analytics platforms. Coping with and gaining value from Cloud-based Big Data is our mission.